
New Delhi


What we are

Empowering Youth. Building Change.

The Global Changemaker Collective (GCC) is a collaborative movement dedicated to tackling global challenges through localized solutions. We believe in the power of collective action and unite organizations, governments, and passionate individuals to work towards a more sustainable future.

Our Mission

Empower & Connect
Build a global network for organizations to share resources and tackle challenges together.
Localize & Impact
Bridge the gap between global goals and local solutions, creating tangible change at the community level.
Advocate & Develop
Advocate for youth-friendly policies and programs, working alongside governments and partners.
Amplify & Equip
Inspire and equip young people with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle challenges, supported by on-the-ground partners and resources.


The Global Changemaker Collective aims to empower changemakers worldwide by providing expertise, networks and resources to help them maximize their impact.​

Climate Change: Global temperatures are on track to rise by 2.1°C to 3.5°C this century (IPCC, 2021), impacting everything from food security to extreme weather events.
2.1 °C
Youth Unemployment: Globally, 14.9% of youth were unemployed in 2022 (ILO, 2022), hindering economic growth and potential.
0 %
The estimated number of people living in multidimensional poverty according to the World Bank (2020).
0 billion
The Problem ​

Despite the significant potential of young people, a lack of collaboration, resources, and supportive frameworks hinders their ability to address pressing global issues. Existing efforts often struggle to bridge the gap between global goals and local solutions. We need a concerted effort to bridge the gap between global goals and local solutions.

Become a Changemaker​

Join As Member

Become part of GCC by registering as a member to gain access to the global network and tools to drive change

Access Resources

Get access to workshops, training, grants and more to help your changemaking initiatives

Collaborate on Projects

Work on cross-country projects to contribute towards SDGs and create impact

Shape the Future

Influence global policy and narrative on youth empowerment and sustainability

Amplify Your Reach

Leverage GCC platform and partners to expand the visibility of your work

GCC Secretariat

Key focus area

Actionable Project

Actionable Project

Spearheading collaborative initiatives aligned with specific SDGs to directly benefit local communities.
Leadership Programs

Leadership Programs

Building future leaders through targeted programs that cultivate problem-solving and leadership skills.
Policy Advocacy

Policy Advocacy

Creating a supportive ecosystem by championing policies that encourage youth participation and innovation.
Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing

Organizing webinars and conferences for the sharing of insights and successful models.
Innovation Catalyst

Innovation Catalyst

Incubating and funding impactful projects that address societal challenges and contribute to the SDGs.
Changemaker Fellowships

Changemaker Fellowships

Provide fellowships to empower individuals to implement SDG-focused initiatives in their regions.

Changemaker20: Where the Revolution for a Better Tomorrow Began

The Changemaker20 summit brought together youth leaders and changemakers from around the world to engage in transformative dialogues and envision a better future. Through this gathering, the Global Changemaker Collective was born – a collaborative platform dedicated to unleashing the potential of young people as agents of positive change in their communities. By equipping youth with skills, knowledge, and networks, the Collective aims to drive lasting impacts through experiential programs, leadership development, and localization of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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